目前分類:Face Recognition Temperature Measurement (3)

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Self-service intelligent face recognition, temperature measurement, mask recognition and attendance are simply too smart! Recently, a primary school in Longyou County, Zhejiang Province introduced a face recognition thermometer to ensure accurate and efficient epidemic prevention and control management after returning to school. Visitors only need to point their faces at the face-recognition and temperature-measuring integrated machine when entering the school. The body temperature data can be displayed in seconds, and the voice broadcast can be performed at the same time, and the attendance record with body temperature can be automatically generated, and the data statistical analysis and report can be completed automatically. The registration and temperature measurement can be completed in just a few seconds. It is very convenient and intelligent to enter the school smoothly.



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In the current epidemic prevention and control, personnel temperature detection for some public places is a inevitable daily work, and with the emergence of face recognition temperature measuring machine, artificial intelligence technology is to make attendance record, measuring moderate entrance guard, etc, in order to realize the large flow temperature detection and the necessary identity verification, largely reflects the Internet of things application universality below. Now, the field of access control security is more and more inseparable from face recognition temperature measurement, why do you say so? Next, Shenzhen Rakinda will analyze it for you.



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The introduction of health QR code into the all-in-one face recognition and temperature measuring machine is designed to enable people to quickly conduct temperature detection, ID card verification and health QR code inspection at the entrance of public places, improve the safety and efficiency of epidemic prevention and control work, and provide data support for the government and relevant departments to deal with public security incidents.

With more than 30 million people infected worldwide, the pandemic is posing new challenges to the country's resumption of production, the reopening of schools and the crowding of public places. Especially in the domestic outbreak of high risk areas, such as schools, enterprises, government centers, wholesale markets, office buildings, property service centers and other high-risk crowded places are the difficulty of body temperature screening and health QR code verification. Once the crowd becomes dense, it needs a large number of staff to conduct contact screening, temperature measurement, health QR code inspection, there is a risk of cross-infection, and workers need to work for a long time, prone to fatigue and negligence. Therefore, it is necessary to install an all-in-one device for face recognition and temperature measurement at the entrance of public service places. Face recognition is performed when people enter these places, and temperature can be automatically measured (no need to remove a mask) and matched with their ID cards. Visitors show the QR code for reading inspection, F2-FHS will voice prompt temperature information and identify the safety status of the QR code. The green QR code means safe passage, while the red QR code means abnormal temperature and travel, and it is forbidden to pass.


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